
                                                               MAYORS CONFERENCE






February 13, Moraga (One week late because of conflict with League of Cities meeting.)


March 6, Lafayette


April 3, Clayton


May 1, Pleasant Hill


June 5, Brentwood


July 10, San Ramon (One week late because of Holiday)

August 7, Antioch

September 4, El Cerrito

October 9, Martinez (One week late because of Holiday)

November 6, Danville

December 4, Pinole

 Realizing that this schedule may cause problems for cities in arranging meeting locations and catering or restaurant options, we remind cities that they may trade dates by mutual agreement among themselves. As we learn of such trades, we will incorporate them into the schedule and share this information with all cities.


Finally, we note that this schedule assumes that we will not have to reschedule any of the meetings due to League of California conferences or other conflicting meeting dates that may subsequently be scheduled. If we learn of any such conflicts, we will adapt the schedule to accommodate such needs.

Updated: February 7, 2025