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Thursday, October 3, 2024, 6:30 p.m.


Hosted by the City of Richmond


Business meeting & dinner at: Biancoverde at Historic Hotel Mac, 50 Washington Ave., (Point Richmond Area) Richmond, CA.

Presentation: Update on the East Bay Regional Parks District Wildfire Mitigation Program


Dinner follows business meeting: Buffet dinner with a vegetarian option.


RSVP Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 26th.


Cancellation Deadline: Friday, September 27th.




Dinner Reservations: Two dinners are prepaid for each City. Please RSVP with the names and titles of all attendees. Others interested in staying for dinner must RSVP, as noted below: Dinner Cost: $70.00. 


Point of Contact for Reservations and Cancellations: Tony Tamayo or BK White at (email preferred). Phone: 510.620.6527



Dinner Payment by check payable to City of Richmond may be presented at the door or mailed to: City of Richmond, 450 Civic Plaza, Suite 300, Richmond, CA 94804, Attn: Tony Tamayo.



Individuals will be billed for reservations made but not cancelled prior to the deadline.










From South and Central county:


·      Take I-680 North to Highway 4 Westbound toward Richmond,

·      Take Highway 4 West to I-80 Westbound,

·      Take Richmond Parkway Westbound at exit 20,

Follow Richmond Parkway and Castro St. to Cottage Ave. and then 50 Washington Ave.


From East County:


·      Take Highway 4 Westbound and then follow directions above.

From West County:


·      Take I-580 Westbound

·      Take Exit 7B from I-580 Westbound

·      Continue on Castro St. and take Tewksbury Ave. to Cottage Ave. and 50 Washington Ave.

From LaMorinda:


·      Take CA24 Westbound,

·      Take I-580 Westbound to exit 7B then on to Castro St. in Richmond,

·      Continue on Castro St. and take Tewksbury Ave. to Cottage Ave. and 50 Washington Ave.














Thursday, October 3, 2024





Call Mayors Conference (Conference) to Order, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, & Roll Call.


1. Program: Parks District Board President Elizabeth Echols, Fire Chief Aileen Theile, and assistant Fire Chief Kharli Helae will provide an update on the District Wildfire Mitigation Program.


2. Approval of Minutes: (attached) of the September 5, 2024 meetings.


Action: Move to approve September 5, 2024 Conference & City Selection Committee (CSC) minutes.


3. Appointments to East Bay Regional Communications System Board (EBRCSB): The current appointments of Cindy Silva as a member and of Tessa Rudnick, as an alternate on the EBRCSB will expire in October. The Conference will be making appointments for new three-year terms ending October 2027 at the October 3, 2024 meeting. Cindy Silva was nominated for reappointment to the member position. (Attached). There were no other nominations.


Action: Move to apply the Conference rule and appoint Walnut Creek Council Member Cindy Silva to a member position on the EBRCSB for a new term ending October 2027.


Action: Possibly accept nomination from the floor and appoint someone to the EBRC for a new alternate term ending Oct. 2027. Alternatively carry the appointment to the November meeting.


4. Appointments to the Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Commission (HMC): The current appointments of Soheila Bana as a member and of Peter Cloven as an alternate on the HMC will expire December 31, 2024. The Conference will be making such recommendations for appointment for terms ending December 31, 2028 at the October 3, 2024 meeting. Any mayor or council member may serve in either of

these positions. The incumbents are eligible for reappointment. There were no nominations by the deadline.


Action: Possibly accept nominations from the floor and make appointments or carry the appointments to the November meting.


5. Appointment to East Bay Regional Parks District Advisory Commission (EBPDAC): The current appointment of Carlyn Obringer to the EBPDAC will expire December 31 and is a Conference recommendation to the Park District Board which makes the appointment. The Conference will be making a recommendation for appointment to a two-year term ending December 31, 2026 at the October 3, 2024 meeting. Carlyn Obringer filed an application for reappointment (attached). There were no other nominations by the deadline.


Action: Move to apply the Conference rule and recommend Concord Vice Mayor Carlyn Obringer to the EBPDAC for appointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.


6. Conference Appointee Reports: This is the time when city representatives to area-wide boards, commissions, and agencies may report on activities of the agency to which they are appointed.


7. Chair Announcements:


8. Mayor Announcements:


9. State and Federal Legislative Update:


10. County Supervisor Announcements:


11.  League of California Cities Update:  Samantha “Sam” Caygill, East Bay Division Public Affairs Manager.


12. Public Comments: Members of the public are advised that public comments at this place should be confined to items not on the agenda and should be limited to no more than 2 minutes in length. Also, no more than one speaker from any organization should address the mayors on the same evening.


13. Welcome to Richmond by Mayor Eduardo Martinez:


14. Adjourn Conference and CSC to November 14 in Concord.


Deadline for next agenda is 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 22, 2024.


Brown Act Reminder: The Contra Costa Mayors Conference/City Selection Committee has a policy of complying with the letter and spirit of open meeting laws. Generally, off-agenda items maybe taken up only if:

1. Two-thirds of Conference voting members find a need for immediate action exists and the need to take action came to the attention of the Conference after the agenda was prepared (Note: If fewer than two-thirds of Conference members are present, taking up an off-agenda item requires a unanimous vote); or 2. A majority of the Conference finds an emergency (for example: work stoppage or disaster) exists.


A majority of any city council may not, consistent with the Brown Act, discuss specific substantive issues among themselves at Conference meetings. Any such discussion is subject to the Brown Act and must occur in a City Council meeting that complies with Brown Act requirements.








November 14, Concord – (One week late because of 2024 city elections)


December 5, San Pablo


January 9, Oakley (One week late because of holidays)


February 6, Moraga


March 6, Lafayette


April 3, Clayton


May 1, Pleasant Hill


June 5, Brentwood


July 10, San Ramon (One week late because of holiday)


August 7, Antioch


September 4, El Cerrito


October 9, Martinez (One week late because of holiday)


November 6, Danville


December 4, Pinole.







Thursday, September 5, 2024 – 6:30 p.m.


Hosted by the City of Walnut Creek


CALL TO ORDER: Chair Haskew called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.




Antioch: Mayor Lamar Thorpe

Brentwood: Vice Mayor Susannah Meyer

Clayton: Mayor Jim Diaz

Concord: Council Member Laura Hoffmeister

Town of Danville: Mayor Karen Stepper

El Cerrito: Mayor Tessa Rudnick

Hercules: Vice Mayor Dion Bailey

Lafayette: Mayor Gina Dawson

Martinez: Mayor Brianne Zorn

Moraga: Vice Mayor Steve Woehleke

Oakley: Mayor Anissa Williams

Orinda: Mayor Darlene Gee

Pinole: Mayor Maureen Toms

Pittsburg: Absent

Pleasant Hill: Mayor Matthew Rinn

Richmond: Mayor Eduardo Martinez

San Pablo: Council Member Rita Xavier

San Ramon: Mayor Dave Hudson

Walnut Creek: Mayor Loella Haskew


Presiding: Conference Chair: Loella Haskew.


The above delegates comprised a quorum for the meetings.


1. Program: State of the College presentation by Contra Costa Community College Chancellor Mojdeh Mehdizadeh.


2. Chair Haskew announced that unless there was an objection she would modify the agenda to immediately take up two matters that would allow the presenters to be able to attend other obligations they had that evening. There were no objections and items # 3 and 4, below, were accommodated.


3. Congressman Mark DeSaulnier: The Congressman made a brief presentation thanking all the cities that supported the exoneration of the Port Chicago 50 and commenting on the anniversary ceremony when the pardons were formally announced. He further thanked all who attended the ceremony. He followed up with a brief summary of ongoing legislation and other matters of interest to cities.


4. Senator Steve Glazer: Senator Glazer announced the immediate availability of an Accessory Dwelling Unit Accelerator Program that is being piloted for the 15 cities and towns in Contra Costa and Alameda counties within the Senator’s legislative district. He and Danville City Manager Joe Calabrigo gave a brief overview of how the program will work and provided detailed information for the eligible cities. Senator Glazer indicated that he hopes the program will help to address the housing crisis and hopes that it will become a model for a permanent program that will become a positive State initiative to address the housing supply issue in future years.


5. Approval of Minutes: of the August 1, 2024, Conference and City Selection Committee (CSC) meetings.


Action: Motion to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2024 Conference and CSC meetings passed. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek. Pittsburg was absent.


6. Call for Appointments to East Bay Regional Communications System Board (EBRCSB): The current appointments of Cindy Silva as a member and of Tessa Rudnick, as an alternate on the EBRCSB will expire in October. The Conference will be making appointments for new three-year terms ending October 2027 at the October 3, 2024 meeting. Any mayor or council member may serve on this Board. The incumbents are eligible for reappointment. Nominations for either of these positions shall be filed by email with Executive Director, Gary Pokorny at: no later than 5 p.m., Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Each nominee should indicate which position they are applying for.


7. Call for Appointments to the Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Commission (HMC): The current appointments of Soheila Bana as a member and of Peter Cloven as an alternate on the HMC will expire December 31, 2024. Because Conference nominees are recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations for appointment to new terms must be made somewhat earlier than would be the case with a direct appointment. The Conference will be making such recommendations for appointment for terms ending December 31, 2028 at the October 3, 2024 meeting. Any mayor or council member may serve in either of these positions. The incumbents are eligible for reappointment. Nominations for either of these positions shall be filed by email with Executive Director, Gary Pokorny as noted above. Each nominee should indicate which position he/she is applying for.


8. Call for Appointment to East Bay Regional Parks District Advisory Commission (PDAC): The current appointment of Carlyn Obringer to the PDAC will expire December 31 and is a Conference recommendation to the Park District Board which makes the appointment. The Conference will be making a recommendation for appointment to a two-year term ending December 31, 2026 at the October 3, 2024 meeting. Any mayor or council member may serve in this position. The incumbent is eligible for reappointment. Nominations for this position shall be filed by email with Executive Director, Gary Pokorny as noted above.


9. Conference Appointee Reports: Mark Ross noted that the Air Board is updating their strategic plan and encouraged cities to apply for available grant funding for installing electric vehicle charging stations. Sue Noack commented about two bond funding measures that have been pulled from the November ballot and indicated that work continues at MTC on follow up for the bike lane of the Richmond-San Rafael bridge. Cindy Silva reminded all that the last day to give input for the draft Plan Bay Area is September 19. She also noted that because of late payment of dues by some agencies, the Regional Communications System Board is considering adopting penalties for late payment. Laura Hoffmeister noted that the Airport Land Use Commission has recommended approval of proposed County General Plan changes. Kevin Wilk noted that the Family Justice Center has just signed a lease for a location in Danville for the South County Center. Newell Arnerich noted that two autonomous shuttle programs are now operating at Bishop Ranch and in Rossmoor and that a third will soon be started in Martinez. Chris Kelley announced several upcoming events for the Economic Development Alliance.


10. Chair Announcements: None.


11. Mayor Announcements: Maureen Toms introduced Kelcey Young the new City Manager of Pinole. Karen Stepper announced Danville’s 9/11 remembrance ceremony. Gina Dawson noted that Lafayette has placed a ½ cent sales tax measure on the November ballot. Eduardo Martinez announced a ten-year agreement with Chevron to settle prior tax litigation.


12. State and Federal Legislative Update: No further comments.


13. County Supervisor Announcements: Ken Carlson and Candace Anderson who each represent a portion of Walnut Creek announced the delivery of a new firefighting helicopter to enhance wildfire suppression capability in the county and various other County matters.


14.  League of California Cities Update: Sam Caygill noted that the legislative session has ended and that there are dozens of bills on the Governor’s desk awaiting either signature or veto. The League will be holding a webinar to discuss League positions on these bills. She called out a few of special importance. She also reminded of the East Bay Div. meeting in Dublin September 26.


15. Public Comments: BART noted that September is Transit Month, that August had the highest ridership sine the pandemic ended, and that installation will soon be starting on new fare gates at the Antioch and Richmond stations. Linda Deschambault encouraged all to look at the new city scorecards on the Contra Costa Climate Leaders web site and commended cities on their work on climate projects. East Bay Mud announced new penalty procedures for non-payment of residential accounts starting October 1.


16. Host City Welcome: Mayor Haskew introduced current and past council members, City Treasurer Ron Cassano, past mayors, city staff, and welcomed all to Walnut Creek.


17. Chair Haskew adjourned the meeting to October 3 in Richmond.



Deadline for next agenda is 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024.






Hi Gary,

I would like to submit my request for reappointment by the Mayors Conference to the East Bay Regional Park District Park Advisory Committee. Could you please let me know if I need to submit a more detailed letter or if this email will suffice?


Best Regards,



Carlyn Obringer

Vice Mayor

City Councilmember, District 2

City of Concord