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Thursday, February 13, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Hosted by the Town of Moraga
Business meeting & dinner at: Moraga Country Club, 1600 St. Andrews Dr., Moraga.
Presentation: John King, recently retired urban design columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, delivering “Postcards from San Francisco.” He maintains reports of the City’s demise are premature.
Buffet dinner with vegetarian option will follow the business meeting.
RSVP Deadline: Noon, Feb. 6th.
Cancellation Deadline: Same as above.
Point of Contact for Reservations and Cancellations: Melisa Melcher (email preferred)
or call (925) 888-7021
Dinner Reservations: Two dinners are prepaid for each City. Please RSVP with the names and titles of all attendees. Others interested in staying for dinner must RSVP, as noted above.
Dinner Cost: $70.00.
Others interested in having dinner should contact the Town of Moraga and pay for their dinners at the door or Mail a check to: Town of Moraga, 329 Rheem Boulevard, Moraga, CA 94556. Attention: Melisa Melcher
Individuals will be billed for reservations made but not cancelled prior to the deadline.
To Moraga Country Club
1600 St. Andrews Drive, Moraga, CA 94556
From West County or Richmond
· Take Highway 580 toward Hayward, and then Highway 24 E toward Walnut Creek.
· Once through the Caldecott Tunnel, take Exit 9 for Orinda/Moraga.
· Turn right and follow Camino Pablo/Moraga Way about four miles.
· Turn right onto St. Andrews Drive.
· Turn right into the Moraga Country Club parking lot.
From East and Central County/Highway 680
· Take Highway 24 West (Oakland direction) to the Central Lafayette exit and bear right, circling under Highway 24.
· At the second stoplight turn right onto Mt. Diablo Boulevard.
· At the next stoplight turn left onto Moraga Road.
· Drive through Lafayette into Moraga.
· After 4.7 miles, turn right onto Moraga Way.
· After a half mile, turn left onto St. Andrews Drive.
· Turn right into the Moraga Country Club parking lot.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Call Mayors Conference (Conference) to Order, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, & Roll Call. (Note: For CSC roll call, Mayors or representatives authorized to act on behalf of mayors, such as mayors pro tempore, and vice mayors, or a council member authorized by the city council to act in lieu of a mayor are qualified to vote as members of the CSC. A quorum of the CSC shall consist of at least 50% of the mayors or the authorized elected representatives of mayors of cities in the county. Thus, a CSC quorum will be at least ten mayors or mayor representatives.)
1. Program: John King, recently retired urban design columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, will deliver “Postcards from San Francisco Bay Area,” subtitled “Reports of the Bay Area’s demise are premature.”
2. Approval of Minutes: (attached) of the January 9, 2025 meetings.
Action: Move to approve January 9, 2025 Conference & City Selection Committee (CSC) minutes.
3. Recess Mayors Conference and Call CSC to order:
4. Appointments to the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). New appointments for one member and one alternate member position on LAFCO were called for in January. Three nominations were received by the deadline from: Concord Vice-Mayor Laura Nakamura, San Ramon Council Member Marisol Rubio, and San Ramon Council Member Robert Jweinat. (All attached.) Inasmuch as none of the applicants specified which position s/he was applying for, it is proposed that an election be held and that the person receiving the most votes be appointed to the member position and the member getting the second most be appointed to the alternate position. The third applicant would be dropped from consideration.
Action: Hold an election, if necessary, and make appointments. (Each applicant will be allowed two minutes to make a presentation on own behalf.)
5. Recess CSC and call Conference back to order.
6. Appointment to a Member Position on the East Bay Regional Communication System (EBRCS) Board. A new appointment needs to be made to the remainder of a Member term on the EBRCS Board ending in October 2025. Nominations were received from Clayton Council Member Jim Dias and Oakley Mayor Shannon Shaw by the deadline. (attached)
Action: Hold an election and make appointment. (Each applicant will be allowed two minutes to make a presentation on own behalf.)
7. Appointment to the Contra Costa Elections Citizen Advisory Committee: A new member needs to be appointed to this open-ended position. Any Council member or mayor may serve on this Committee. There were no nominations by the deadline.
Action: Conference may accept a volunteer from the floor or carry the appointment over to the March meeting.
8. Appointment to the Contra Costa County-Wide Bicycle Committee: A new member needs to be appointed to this open-ended position. Any Council member or mayor may serve on this Committee. Martinez Mayor Brianne Zorn applied by the deadline. There were no other applicants. (Application attached.)
Action: Apply Conference rule and appoint Brianne Zorn as a member of the Contra Costa County Wide Bicycle Committee.
9. Appointment to the Contra Costa Regional Access Network Board: A new member needs to be appointed to this open-ended position. Any mayor may serve on this Committee. Since a requirement is that the member serving shall be a mayor, it is convenient, though not a requirement, that a directly elected mayor serve.
Action: Conference may accept a volunteer from the floor or carry the appointment over to the March meeting.
10. Chair Announcements:
11. Conference Appointee Reports: City representatives to area-wide boards, commissions, and agencies may report on activities of the agency to which they are appointed at this time.
12. Mayor Announcements:
13. State and Federal Legislative Update:
14. County Supervisor Announcements:
15. League of California Cities Update: Samantha “Sam” Caygill, East Bay Division Public Affairs Manager.
16. Public Comments: Members of the public are advised that public comments at this place should be confined to items not on the agenda and should be limited to no more than 2 minutes in length. Also, no more than one speaker from any organization should address the mayors on the same evening.
17. Welcome to Moraga by Mayor Steve Woehleke:
28. Adjourn Conference and CSC to March 6 in Lafayette.
Deadline for next agenda is 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Brown Act Reminder: The Contra Costa Mayors Conference/City Selection Committee has a policy of complying with the letter and spirit of open meeting laws. Generally, off-agenda items maybe taken up only if:
1. Two-thirds of Conference voting members find a need for immediate action exists and the need to take action came to the attention of the Conference after the agenda was prepared (Note: If fewer than two-thirds of Conference members are present, taking up an off-agenda item requires a unanimous vote); or 2. A majority of the Conference finds an emergency (for example: work stoppage or disaster) exists.
A majority of any city council may not, consistent with the Brown Act, discuss specific substantive issues among themselves at Conference meetings. Any such discussion is subject to the Brown Act and must occur in a City Council meeting that complies with Brown Act requirements.
March 6, Lafayette
April 3, Clayton
May 1, Pleasant Hill
June 5, Brentwood
July 10, San Ramon (One week late because of holiday)
August 7, Antioch
September 4, El Cerrito
October 9, Martinez (One week late because of holiday)
November 6, Danville
December 4, Pinole
Thursday, January 9, 2025 – 6:30 p.m.
Hosted by the City of Oakley
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Haskew called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Antioch: Mayor Ron Bernal
Brentwood: Mayor Susannah Meyer
Clayton: Mayor Kim Trupiano
Concord: Mayor Carlyn Obringer
Danville: Mayor Renee Morgan
El Cerrito: Mayor Carolyn Wysinger
Hercules: Mayor Dion Bailey
Lafayette: Mayor Susan Candell
Martinez: Mayor Brianne Zorn
Moraga: Mayor Steve Woehleke
Oakley: Mayor Shannon Shaw
Orinda: Mayor Latika Malkani
Pinole: Mayor Cameron Sasai
Pittsburg: Mayor Jelani Killings
Pleasant Hill: Mayor Susan Noack
Richmond: Mayor Eduardo Martinez
San Pablo: Mayor Arturo Cruz
San Ramon: Mayor Mark Armstrong
Walnut Creek: Mayor Cindy Darling
Presiding: Conference Chair: Loella Haskew (for initial items, then Alex Walker-Griffith after his election as 2025 Chair.)
The above delegates comprised a quorum for the meetings.
1. Program: Jesse Tamplen, Vice-President of Behavioral Health at John Muir Hospitals discussed the importance of behavioral health to overall wellness and behavioral health programs available at John Muir.
2. Approval of Minutes: of December 5, 2024, Conference and City Selection Committee (CSC) meetings.
Action: Motion to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2024 Conference and CSC meetings passed. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek. Concord abstained.
3. Election of Chair of the Mayors Conference for 2025: Hercules Council Member Alex Walker-Griffith who served as Vice-Chair of the Mayors Conference in 2024 volunteered to serve as Conference Chair for 2025. There were no other nominations by the deadline.
ACTION: Motion to apply Conference rule and elect Alex Walker-Griffith Chair of the Conference for 2025 passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
4. Passing of the gavel and comments from the retiring Conference Chair Loella Haskew and the new Conference Chair Alex Walker-Griffith. (Note that while this item is normally dealt with at the end of the January meeting, because retiring Chair Haskew was no longer a member of the Walnut Creek Council, this transition was made at the start of this meeting.) Mayor Haskew thanked all for their support and wished the new Chair success for the coming year. Chair Walker-Griffith thanked Mayor Haskew for her outstanding service in 2024, presented the traditional thank you plaque, and expressed his appreciation for his election.
5. Election of Vice Chair of the Mayors Conference for 2025: Oakley Mayor Shannon Shaw nominated Oakley Council Member Anissa Williams for the position of Conference Vice Chair for 2025. There were no other nominations by the deadline.
Action: Motion to apply Conference rule and elect Anissa Williams Vice Chair of the Conference for 2025 passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
6. Adoption of 2025 Conference Budget: The Conference Executive Committee unanimously recommended adoption of the proposed 2025 budget, unchanged from 2024, and the proposed schedule of meeting locations for 2025.
Action: Motion to approve 2025 Mayors Conference Budget and Schedule of 2025 meeting locations passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton,
Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
7. Mayors Conference recessed and City Selection Committee was called to order: (The Chair of the Mayors Conference served as interim chair of the City Selection Committee until a new CSC Chair was elected.)
8. Election of Chair of the City Selection Committee (CSC) for 2025.
There were no written nominations prior to the agenda deadline. Hercules Mayor Dion Bailey volunteered to serve as CSC Chair. There were no other volunteers.
ACTION: Motion to apply CSC rule and elect Dion Bailey Chair of the CSC for 2025 passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
9. Election of Vice Chair of the CSC for 2025. There were no written nominations prior to the agenda deadline. Orinda Mayor Latika Malkani volunteered to serve as CSC Vice Chair. There were no other volunteers.
ACTION: Motion to apply CSC rule and elect Latika Malkani Vice Chair of the CSC for 2025 passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
10. Appointment to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Board. A new member needs to be appointed to the BAAQMD Board for a two-year term ending in January 2027. Nominees were solicited in December 2024. Martinez Mayor Brianne Zorn and Dionne Adams, Vice Mayor, City of Pittsburg were nominated for this position.
Action: Following an election a motion to appoint Dionne Adams to a position on the BAAQMD Board for a two-year term ending in January 2027 passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
11. Call for appointments to the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). San Ramon Council Member Scott Perkins, who has left council service, was serving as a LAFCO member. Concord Mayor Edi Bursan, who has likewise retired, was serving as an alternate LAFCO member. New appointments need to be made to each of these positions. The CSC will be making these appointments to terms ending May 4, 2027 at the February 6, 2025 meeting. Any mayor or council member may serve on LAFCO. Nominees should indicate which position they are applying for.
Nominations for these positions (and for other positions that followed) were to be filed by email with Executive Director Gary Pokorny: no later than Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
12. CSC recessed and the Conference was called back to order.
13. Appointment to the Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Commission (HMC): The Conference needed to make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for appointment to an alternate HMC term ending December 31, 2028. There were no nominations by the deadline. Martinez Mayor Brianne Zorn volunteered to be appointed to the HMC for a new alternate member term ending Dec. 2028.
Action: A motion to recommend Brianne Zorn for appointment to a position on the HMC for a two-year alternate member term ending in January 2027 passed unanimously. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
14. Appointment of an alternate member to the East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS) Board. Oakley Mayor Shannon Shaw was been nominated for the balance of an open term ending in October 2025. There were no other nominees by the deadline.
Action: Conference rule was applied and Shannon Shaw was appointed an alternate member of the EBRCS Board for a term ending in October 2025. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
15. Appointments to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) Board. The terms of Newell Arnerich as member and of Brianne Zorn as alternate member of the CCTA Board end January 31, 2025. Nominees were solicited in December 2024. Danville Council Member Newell Arnerich was nominated for the member term and Oakley Mayor Shannon Shaw was nominated for the alternate term. There were no other nominations.
Action: Conference rule was applied and Newell Arnerich was elected as a Member and Shannon Shaw as an Alternate Member of the CCTA Board for terms ending in January 2027. Voting aye were delegates from Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, Hercules, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Pablo, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.
16. Call for an appointment to the East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS) Authority Board. Former San Ramon Council Member Scott Perkins was serving on this Board. A new appointment needs to be made to the remainder of a term ending in October 2025. The Conference will be making an appointment at the February 6, 2025 meeting. Any mayor or council member may serve on this Board.
17, Call for an appointment to the Contra Costa Elections Citizen Advisory Committee: El Cerrito Council Member Paul Fadelli, who served in this capacity, has retired from council service and a new member needs to be appointed to this open-ended position. Any Council member or mayor may serve on this Committee.
18. Call for an appointment to the Contra Costa County-Wide Bicycle Committee: A new member needs to be appointed to this open-ended position. Any Council member or mayor may serve on this Committee.
19. Call for an appointment to the Contra Costa Regional Access Network Board: A new member needs to be appointed to this open-ended position. Any mayor may serve on this Committee. Since a requirement is that the member serving shall be a mayor, it is convenient, though not a requirement, that a directly elected mayor serve.
20. Chair Announcements: Chair Walker-Griffith thanked mayors for their support in electing him chair. He also noted his sympathy for persons displaced by the Los Angeles fires and noted that as a member of the National Guard he may be called to help with disaster recovery.
21. Conference Appointee Reports: Carlyn Obringer noted that the airport Land Use Commission had not met, that the East Bay Parks District has announced the 2025 Trails Challenge, and that the 2025 East Bay Innovation Awards will be March 25. Sue Noack noted that MTC has sent a recommendation to the Legislature for transit funding to avert the fiscal cliff and has made a recommendation for future use of the Richmond bridge bicycle lane. Anissa Williams noted that the Delta Protection Commission has made recommendations regarding bass fishing rules. Kevin Wilk noted the opening of the South County Family Justice Center in Danville. Newell Arnerich thanked all for his reappointment to CCTA and noted the ongoing work on the county-wide plan update. He also noted the need to begin planning for the needed 2028 renewal of funding for CCTA. Cindy Silva noted that Plan Bay Area 2050 is moving forward toward final adoption by ABAG.
22. Mayor Announcements: Various mayors introduced and announced new council members and announced community Martin Luther King, Jr. Day events in their communities.
23. State and Federal Legislative Update: Staff for Congressman DeSaulnier and John Garamendi noted various pieces of pending legislation.
24. County Supervisor Announcements: Diane Burgis welcomed all to District 3, Welcomed Shanelle Scales-Preston to the Board, and discussed various County issues.
25. League of California Cities Update: Sam Caygill announced the League Legislative priorities for 2025, thanked all retiring council members and mayors, welcomed all new council members and announced various League meetings and training opportunities.
26. Public Comments: BART director Mark Foley introduced two new BART Directors, noted that BART will be increasing fares 5.5% January 1, and reported progress on installation of new fare gates.
27. Host City Welcome: Mayor Shannon Shaw introduced current and past council members, past mayors, city staff, highlighted several Oakley programs, and welcomed all to Oakley.
19. Chair Walker-Griffith adjourned the meeting to February 13 in Moraga.
Deadline for next agenda is 5:00 p.m. Tuesday January 28, 2025.
Brown Act Reminder: The Contra Costa Mayors Conference/City Selection Committee has a policy of complying with the letter and spirit of open meeting laws. Generally, off-agenda items maybe taken up only if:
1. Two-thirds of Conference voting members find a need for immediate action exists and the need to take action came to the attention of the Conference after the agenda was prepared (Note: If fewer than two-thirds of Conference members are present, taking up an off-agenda item requires a unanimous vote); or 2. A majority of the Conference finds an emergency (for example: work stoppage or disaster) exists.
A majority of any city council may not, consistent with the Brown Act, discuss specific substantive issues among themselves at Conference meetings. Any such discussion is subject to the Brown Act and must occur in a City Council meeting that complies with Brown Act requirements.
Good morning, Gary,
I’d like to submit my name as a candidate for the LAFCO appointment by the Contra Costa Mayors Conference.
Please let me know what information you need from me.
Thank you,
Laura Nakamura (She/her/hers)
Vice Mayor / City Councilmember, District 5
Mobile 925-338-1259
Hello, Gary.
Hope you are doing well. I am reaching out to you because I would like to be considered for the LAFCO and EBRCSA agencies. Please let me know if you require any additional information from me and by when.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, Cm. Marisol Rubio
Hi Gary,
My name is Robert Jweinat and I’m council member in San Ramon, Scott Perkins district. I would like to enter my name for consideration for LAFCO.
Please let me know if you require a personal statement or if there an additional you need from me.
With gratitude,
To the Contra Costa County Mayors Conference,
It is my honor to nominate Mayor Shannon Shaw for the permanent position on the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCS) Board. As the newly elected mayor, Mayor Shaw brings a wealth of leadership experience, a proven ability to collaborate with law enforcement agencies of varying sizes, and a strong commitment to enhancing public safety.
Mayor Shaw has consistently demonstrated her ability to work effectively with law enforcement and emergency response agencies, ensuring their diverse needs are represented and addressed. Her collaborative efforts have strengthened partnerships across municipal and unincorporated jurisdictions, fostering a shared commitment to safety and operational efficiency.
Furthermore, Mayor Shaw’s representation on the EBRCS Board would ensure that the Far East County, including its unincorporated areas, has a strong and equitable voice in discussions and decisions. These communities play a critical role in regional emergency response, and having a dedicated advocate like Mayor Shaw will bring balance and inclusivity to the Board’s work.
The EBRCS Board plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability and interoperability of communications systems across Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. Mayor Shaw's leadership and commitment to public service make her exceptionally well-suited to serve as a permanent member of this important body. I am confident that her contributions will enhance the Board’s mission of ensuring effective and equitable emergency communications for all.
Thank you for your consideration of this nomination.
Anissa Williams
Council Member
3231 Main St
Hi Gary,
I would like to nominate myself for the County-wide Bicycle Committee. I am an avid cyclist and enjoy our regional trails. As the mayor, this has been a priority of mine to push for better trail connectivity in our County.
Thank you!
Brianne Zorn | she/her
City of Martinez
525 Henrietta St., Martinez, CA 94553